Happy State Bank

Monday-Friday 9 AM-3 PM
Saturday 9 AM-12PM
About Us
Mission & Credo
Statement of Mission and Philosophy
Work hard, have fun, make money, while providing outstanding customer service and honoring the Golden Rule.
To be recognized as a true professional, a HAPPY STATE BANK employee must focus on continuous improvement, strive to provide superior service and products, and develop long-standing customer relationships. The HAPPY STATE BANK Credo sets a direction for the personal commitment required to achieve these goals:
I will treat customers with the same courtesy and respect that I would expect if I were in their position. Every contact is an opportunity to establish or to strengthen a relationship.
Helping the customer is my only job. If I don't know the answer to a customer's problem, I will find it. A true professional recognizes there is no such thing as ''it's not my job.''
I will respond in a timely manner to all requests directed to me.
I will not allow external factors to affect my business performance.
My performance affects the customer's view, not just of me or my department, but the entire bank. We are all interrelated in the customer's mind.
I will give care and thought to the decisions and commitments I make. I AM HAPPY STATE BANK.