Kerr County Greeters

Welcome Service
Newcomers, give us a call! We'll arrange delivery of a welcome basket at a time that's convenient.
Driving Directions:
Serving all over Kerr County, Kristin the Welcome Lady prepares welcome baskets at her home, and schedules an appointment to deliver each one personally to the newcomer's home.
About Us
New to Kerr County? Kristin the Welcome Lady has a free welcome basket for you!
Carrying on a 50+ year tradition, the welcome basket is intended as a gesture of hospitality for folks who have moved, or moved back, to Kerr County within the last year or so. The service acquaints newcomers with a wide variety of reputable, well-established organizations to help make your transition to Kerr County smoother and to help you quickly make the connections you need as you're getting established in your new home.
If you would like to receive a welcome basket, call Kristin at 830-257-0599. She would be delighted to arrange delivery to you at a convenient time.
If your organization would like to participate in providing goodies for the welcome baskets, call Kristin at 830-257-0599 to discuss.
- Gift certificates for local dining
- Goodies and coupons from a wide range of area businesses and organizations
- Info about fun stuff to do, with free tickets
- Healthcare resources and gifts
- Church information, and home-baked cookies!