The Bank and Trust

BanksFinancial ServicesMortgages
About Us
In 1910, The Bank & Trust opened its doors with a promise to provide superior financial products with exceptional customer service in Del Rio, Texas. The bank has served as a symbol of strength to its customers throughout times of trial and innovation including The Great Depression, two world wars, and an ever-changing economic climate for over 100 years. During that time period, what started as a small community bank, has expanded into the insurance and investment fields, and grown to include over 10,000 customers in six different markets throughout Texas. The communities include Boerne, Brackettville, Del Rio, Kerrville, San Angelo, and Sonora.
The Bank & Trust knows that banking is more than checking accounts and loans. Banking is about people and relationships and are serious about providing Excellent and Exceptional service every day. In fact, it’s The Bank & Trust Philosophy, and is referred to as “E Squared” service. The “E Squared” philosophy continues past the day-to-day interaction with customers at the branch locations. The Bank & Trust also extends this philosophy into the communities that support its banks, customers, and team members. At each branch location, The Bank & Trust is a major contributor to community events, projects and activities including youth sports, cultural affairs, and education and tourism initiatives.

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